Back to School 2019

8.26am Tuesday morning sat on the sofa just me & Teddy. No children around means 1 thing – school is back in session!!

12 weeks in the Florida heat is rough. This was our 4th summer break since moving stateside and it doesn’t get any easier. This summer will be remembered for the bickering 🤣

“Mom Leo looked at me” “Mom Izzy is annoying me” “Mom Poppy won’t share the tv”

This is whining at 8am by the way. My kids although love each other dearly and generally play together very well are also independent. Summer throws them together all day long for over 2 months, imagine that with your own siblings.

This summer will also be remembered for its simplicity though. My kids really are occupied with the simple things and a little bit of attention. The lemonade stand, making ice lollies, slime, hair colouring, swimming, indoor activities, playdates & trips for ice cream!

Workbooks and printable sheets kept Poppy quiet & happy too.

AD – Let’s take some time to help these animals find their names! Please visit for more beginning reading activities to strengthen and reinforce our skills!

They all knew mummy was more tired & hot than usual with the pregnancy and didn’t pester for me to do things out of my comfort zone.

I am also pleased & grateful to report we had some great behavior from Poppy! She slept slightly better than we’re all used to and some of her anxieties are being dealt with better too. For example the daily thunderstorms were not as much of an issue as they have been on previous years. Proud she is growing up and managing her fears.

Heading back into school shows me just how brave & confident they all are. Here in the states as the kids move grade the class members are mixed up so there is not the familiarity of old friends to settle the nerves. All of them went off happily.

My hopes for this school year are for them to achieve their goals – small & large. We need 2 more readers, Izzy to continue growing in her maths confidence but mainly I hope they enjoy it. School shouldn’t feel like a chore at this age it should be a fun and engaging environment.

As for me I’m now in the last trimester of this pregnancy and I have a lot of hours to fill every day. Let the nesting and napping commence! Once I’ve done my workouts, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and miscellaneous chores obviously 😁

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